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First Church of Christ, Scientist, Midland, Michigan

All are welcome!

All Are Welcome!



   Welcome, and thank you for visiting First Church of Christ, Scientist, Midland, Michigan online. Our purpose is to proclaim and promote to our community the Bible and the works of Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer and founder of Christian Science, which establish the pure Science of Christ's Christianity and its healing power for all mankind.

       Sunday School


   Students up to the age of 20 are welcome to attend our Sunday School which is held at the same time as the Sunday Service.  

       Reading Room


    Our Reading Room is located at 2218 N. Saginaw Rd.  Hours are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 11:00 am - 2:00 pm, and Saturday 10:00 am - 1:00 pm.  During the months of November-May the Reading Room is closed on Tuesdays.  Please use the following link for additional information.  

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   Sunday Morning services are held at 10:30 am.

   Wednesday evening testimony meetings are held at 7:00 pm.

​   A special service of gratitude is held on Thanksgiving Day at 10:30 am.


   Free child care is provided at all of our services


In the event in-person services are cancelled please use the following link:

   This Week's Sermon

   The ordained pastor of all Christian Science churches is the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.  Each of our services includes readings from both of these books.

 The Sunday Service follows the order of service found in the Christian Science Bible Lesson. Here is a link to this week's bible lesson: 

     Science and Health

   For more information about our textbook Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, and how it can heal you, please visit our Reading Room or you can learn more at this web site:

© 2015 First Church of Christ, Scientist, Midland, Michigan 48642

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